I currently use cavity back game improvement irons. This is my first year of play and I've really started hitting them with more consistency lately. Of course I'm in the 70+ area of rounds so far this year.
In researching the different types of irons available I have come to the conclusion that cavity backs are better for beginners while muscle back irons are better for the advanced. Please someone correct me if I"m wrong.
As I want to be somewhat serious about eventually being a half decent player should I be working towards eventually owning muscle back irons? Is there a design that is a hybrid of muscle back and cavity iron technology that may be better for either a transition to full muscle back or simply a compromise?
As well I have to consider my age. I'm 46 and getting in to this sport at this age I won't kid myself about the possibility of not having the strength to use the more advanced clubs. Although I haven't been to a fitting yet or measured on a launch monitor, I would guesstimate that my swing speed would be around the 75 to 80 mph range. I would like to increase that but I would doubt that I may ever see 100 mph.