Quote Originally Posted by Johnyc View Post
Unprecedented times. Golf was dying two years ago, now it’s thriving. Initiation fee has doubled and there is talk that it will triple. And yet the wait list continues to grow. Used to be afternoons were completely dead, now the sheet is nearly full. Giving up 9 spots wouldn’t be an easy sell. We’ve already accommodated the Tunis and hosted Men’s A class intersectional matches. Club events that are huge earners like member guest and beef and greens were cancelled. So no, this has nothing to do with trying to gain an advantage in a senior match, it’s about an unprecedented demand. I cannot speak for other private courses but this is what I’m seeing.
Golf has thrived and had its lulls over the years, but a constant in the Ottawa area has been the Intersectional and hosting clubs offering up practice rounds to the competition. Like people have said, over the course of a few weeks/months, offering up the historical practice rounds would have a negligible impact on the bottom line if golf is thriving, as you claim.