A couple of years ago I played Greensmere Premier early in the season when it was still wet and made the same (wrong) assumption. It turned out that while the back 9 (lower, but through the woods) of Premier was still a bit damp, it was much, much better than the links style front 9 which was soggy.

Legacy opens later, so I'm assuming that it's wetter.

Quote Originally Posted by Maximus67 View Post
Played Greensmere Premier (the links style one) Front 9 only today. I thought I'd be smart and go with the part of the property that was highest and would most likely be driest - I was wrong. It was soggy and soaked everywhere. My shoes were soaked and the bottom 8 inches of my pants were drenched.

Greens rolled very nicely and had very minimal winter kill, although were a bit on the slow side which is understandable. The fairways were in great shape, if it wasn't for how soft and squishy they were they would have been a lot of fun to hit off of.

I have no idea how the other 27 holes are but if the top of the property was that soggy, I can only imagine what the lower holes are like. If we can manage to go a week or 2 with good sun and heat and minimal rain, Greensmere will be pristine.