Tom was a golf fanatic and a religious man as well. He would always play golf on the weekends and also make sure he went to church. Tom was getting on in years, and one day after feeling rather poorly, he remarked to his wife, "I sure hope there is golf in the after-life, I feel terrible!" To which his wife replied, " Oh you'll feel better, go done to church and say a little prayer." Tom agreed and headed to church.
Upon kneeling at the pew, Tom whispered a prayer, "Oh Lord, thank you for everything, my health, my wife, and my golf game. I hope that when i reach Heaven that I can still play golf." The moment he finished, he heard a voice thunder, "Tom, this is the Lord, I hear you and will answer your question. Do you want the good news or the bad news first?" Tom was startled, "Well, give me the good news". The Lord replied, "The good news is that we have over 1000 championship golf courses, play is never slow, play is inexpensive, and you will never lose a golf ball. Also, tee times can always be arranged."
Tom was ecstatic, "That is wonderful! You've answered my prayer! What possibly can be the bad news?" The Lord replied, "You tee off tomorrow at 9:00 a.m."