Analyze Your Golf Swing
by Roseline Menard

Learn to read the ball flight, trajectory, the spin of the ball and distance.

The art of coordinating the sequence of the swing is progressively developing a fluid motion, allowing the player to "let go" and maximizing speed while remaining in perfect control of your swing.

The common error by golfers is translating in creating exaggerated actions. The capacity to remain coordinated during the motion consistently starts by recognizing each step of the swing action.

Although different body shapes cause a variety of positions, the effects, as to be understood by the player, is to develop a good, sound, natural style.

There is more than just the mechanics of the golf swing that the player should recognize: tempo; feeling the club head; timing; concentration to be developed; and target awareness.

Feel changes constantly. It affects your pace and the momentum of building your golf swing and rhythm.

To conclude, take the time to analyze what you have created; your ball flight, trajectory spin and distance. The crucial exercise is to consider your finish position in relation with the intended target. It is just after having done that, you can explain what just happened. Your finish position offers you the clue and feedback on your swing. Hold your finish after each shot. Register your position. Read your ball flight. Assess each shot. Make the reading simple, avoid complexity, and develop awareness:
  • Good body position?
  • In relation with target?
  • Ball flight good height? Distance?
  • Feel contact of ball on club head?
  • Ball direction, took off on target?
  • Spin? Finish on line?
  • Check your divot, if one
  • Any best advice is to react to your target, then take the time to assess and develop drills. Practice specifically after having played.