Always Be Sure to Stretch to Avoid Injuries
By Rob Knights

In this article I describe a few stretches golfers of all skill levels and body types can use in the off-season and pre-season to retain flexibility and help prevent injury. The areas you want to target are back, shoulders, triceps and legs. The following stretches will take approximately 3 minutes to complete and can save you potential pain.
  1. Stand tall with your feet approximately shoulder width apart and knees bent slightly. Interlock both hands with palms facing floor. Extend arms above your head and push your palms skyward. Hold for 15 seconds.

  2. Stand tall with feet shoulder width apart and knees bent slightly.
    Position your right arm behind your head so that the elbow is bent and hand is touching left shoulder. Grab right elbow with left hand and pull elbow to left. You should feel a stretch in your right side. Repeat for the opposite side. Hold each side for 10 seconds.

  3. Stand tall with feet shoulder width apart and knees bent slightly.
    Hold a rolled-up towel or golf club in both hands with the palms facing the ground. Extend arms in front of you. Raise arms above your head and stretch back as far as you can. Hold for 15 seconds.

  4. Stand tall with feet shoulder width apart, knees bent slightly and back facing the wall. Stand approximately 12 inches from the wall. Rotate torso and hips to right so palms touch wall. Hold for 15 seconds. Repeat in opposite direction.

  5. Stand tall facing wall with one foot a few inches from wall and other foot behind front foot approximately 2 feet. Tilt upper body forward and fold arms so arms support head against wall. Hold for 30 seconds. Repeat for other leg.

  6. Stand tall with feet shoulder width apart and knees flexed slightly. Bend from waist forward and try to touch toes. Hold for 20 seconds. Make sure knees are bent and you don't reach too far, just enough to feel a stretch in lower back.
If you have any questions regarding these or any other exercises contact your CPGA Professional.