The Grip
Left Hand

Lay shaft across first finger and palm

Close hand over club -
V formed by thumb and forefinger points to right shoulder

Right Hand

Lay shaft across top joint of fingers and grip with fingers

Now fold right hand over left thumb
V formed by thumb & forefinger points to right shoulder

The Stance
Square Stance
Closed Stance
Open Stance
  • Keep toes pointed out with weight mostly on heels - relax.
  • Wood Shots place feet about 18 inches apart - ball off left heel.
  • 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6 irons narrow the stance - ball more to right.
  • 6, 7, 8 & 9 irons narrow the stance - stance more open - bend knees.

The Swing

The Woods

1. start turning hips to left - keep shoulders back

2. pull arms down - keep right elbow in - keep wrists ed
3. throw club head straight out - finish with weight on your left foot

The Irons

1. start club, hands and shoulders together - don't pick club up

2. weight to right - wrists will automatically straight left - keep head fixed
3. point right elbow down - don't loosen grip - keep hands even with top of head

Grip place thumbs straight down shaft with first left finger over right

1. keep feet close - ball center - keep your head over ball
2. use wrists only in backswing - keep club low and straight
3. swing arms and shoulders straight at cup - keep wrists stiff in follow thru