Well as you may have seen in another post I decided to take an opportunity to buy a used Flightscope X2 here in the UK for home use. I had read lots of reviews of various options and decided that when a 3 year old X2 came up for £3500 (roughly US$5000) that it was worth taking the risk compared to the circa £9,000 price new.

So I inspect the unit all looks good, see it working with the previous owners iPad and decide to jump in and buy.

Now the fun starts, get the unit home and try to connect my iPad to it, won't allow me to connect over the wifi, even though I know the password, start to get worried, but press on with installing software on PC to try to see what that does, SW asks for all kinds of details including email before it will allow me to install on a ten day temp access!

SW sees unit, downloads a new firmware automatically, allows me to password reset the WiFi and all seems well as my iPad now jump to life and X2 Skills app seems fine.

Issue comes when I get an email from Flightsccope telling me that I need to pay $955 to transfer the unit to myself if I want to use it and the PC software! Now granted you get all kinds of promise of warranty with the $955, but I don't want or need any of that! What the mail is not clear about and I have had no answer to a follow up email is will the iPad apps stop working in ten days.

Anybody else out there had any similar experience, because I think it is outrageous, but maybe it is normal in the Golf Sim world.

While I am on my soap box, think trying to charge $160 for a 12V 40W replacement PSU brick is also way over the top for an item you can easily pick up for less than £20.

Will keep you posted on any response I get and if the Apps stops working in the next ten days!