Just for fun I took the Optishot out to the driving range today in order to compare the simulation with the actual shots in realtime as I hit them.

My driver swing speed varied between 100-105 and agreed within a couple mph with my radar gun. Occasionally there were silly readings of 85 mph or equally silly ones of 115mph but not too often. Distances were reasonably close if I hit the ball well and optimistic otherwise.

I tried a variety of shots, from dead straight to draws and hooks and fades and slices. Also expiremented with in to out and vice versus with various face angles. Of the actual shots, I'd say about 75% matched the general left-right flight pattern and direction. The biggest variance was the amount of draw or fade where the amount of draw tended to be over-shown while a fade was under-reported.

About 10% were just plain wrong for some reason and bore little resemblance to the actual flight pattern. They were not mis-hits just messed up in the simulator.

The remaining were more subtle and one wouldn't know for sure from their swing. Typically it was a dead straight shot that showed as a small fade or slice. Occasionally it was a draw that was shown as a fade. Or more often the reverse. Or a draw that is shown left of target but in fact it started right and came back to exactly target etc.

Of course, mis-hit or extreme shots didn't registor correctly. Even some that weren't mis-hit per se but I was trying to put a wicked slice on the ball and succeeded but the sim showed it as dead straight etc. Varying the launch angle of course has a big effect in real life and none in the simulator.

All in all, about what I expected. Not great, maybe not even good...but decent and good enough to work on the gross faults in a swing and have fun in the simulator!