I have finally joined the forums.. I'm pretty sure I'm familiar with many of you already as I am into my 3rd season with the N.C.G.T and I have made the perrenial trip to Belleville twice now. I have been reading the forums for a while and decided participating would be much more interesting. I particularly enjoy the rules discussions and debates, they are a great way to increase my knowledge of the intricate, and as some of you would say "flog", rules of our beloved game. I started playing golf @ 19 and have been hooked ever since, RCGA index is 11 right now, I really wanted to get into single digit territory this year. Short game is struggling a little and I'm still feeling what I hope to be the tail end of a pinched sciatic in my left hip. This has kept me off the range more than I would like (not to mention the dreaded "work" thing). I play mostly in the south end and I prefer fast true greens (Hunt Clubish). I plan on joining ClubLink for next year and making Greyhawk my home course as it is only 25 mins from home, they have a first class range and it is always in pristine condition, I also enjoy the idea of reciprocal play. There you have it, hope to play golf with some of you. Thanks for having me..