The Handicap system in my opinion is severly flawed. I read many posts in this forum, and I just shake my head in disbelief.

A Honest Handicap means the following !

1.) All rules are to be obeyed, and not munipulated.

2.) NEVER move your ball in the rough, and when summer rules are in effect, you don't move your ball on the fairway period !

3.) Enter All of your 18 hole scores, not selected ones.

4.) If you do not know how to count, ask your playing partner how many shots you took. He/she knows !

5.) Mulligans ????????? Never to be used ! That is why they have a practice range.

6.) If your ball is behind a tree, remember God placed it there to test your ability, and your Acceptance.

If you do not comply with the above mentioned, your handicap is DisHonest, and you are a disgrace to the Game.

My Honest Opinion, and if anyone feels the above mentioned is inaccurate, please tell me how I am, so as I may Learn from you!

Enjoy your honest game of golf ? Till the snow flies !