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  1. #31
    Golf Canada Rules Official L4 LobWedge is on a distinguished road LobWedge's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jonf View Post
    Do you want me to be apologetic because an Ottawa team was allowed back into the league and they decided to "count" the cups from the days of the Silver Seven? Of course we wouldn't be having this conversation if Ottawa wouldn't have been allowed back and if they hadn't allowed the cups to count. Oh wait, yes we would, because Toronto would still be celebrating how awesome they were 40 years ago.

    And you're right that Ottawa fans have no legitimate cups to celebrate since 1992. I don't have any problem admitting it. But wait, that sounds a lot like another team from Ontario, I just can't remember which one it is. It's on the tip of my tongue, I just can't find the word. They think they're the greatest team in sports history. They think that their inherent awesomeness makes up for 40 years of futility. I just can't remember which team it is. Can anybody else help me out here?
    Quote Originally Posted by Hacker View Post
    Did you know that 11 Teams who did not exist in 1967 have won the Stanley Cup in during the leafs 40 year drought?

    In total 17 teams that did not exist in 1967 have been to the Stanley Cup Finals since the leafs last won the cup.

    Let them celebrate jonf, they have 40 years worth of parade plans that have been just sitting around collecting dust
    We go from year to year never expecting to win the cup. Hell, most years we don't even expect to make the playoffs. Countless years of greedy ownership and bad management help keep expectations low, yet we keep coming back. That's what true fans do. But Ottawa fans just can't seem to get that blue and white gorilla off their backs. That constant nagging preocupation with Toronto. Gotta blame and curse the Leafs. Helps soothe the sting of high expectations and a raft of unreal talent that just can't seem to close the deal. Keep thinking that way folks and enjoy that President's trophy. 0 and 5 (and counting)....

    I'll gladly wait another 40 years if I have to, because I can guarantee that at least my team will still be around by then.
    When applying the Rules, you follow them line by line. You don't read between them.

  2. #32
    Hall of Fame jonf is on a distinguished road jonf's Avatar
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    Wait...who's obsessed with one opponent? Which pot is that I hear calling the kettle black? You'll be happy not to win the cup as long as the Sens fold? Ya, that's a healthy fan attitude, not pre-occupied with one team at all.

  3. #33
    Ottawa wont fold, period. Even when the team loses the talent and becomes a bottom-feeder (as is the monster of the beast), there will be tons of support. I can remember even just this year, when Ottawa was 14th in the conference, being pumped to watch the boys play.

    Even if fan interest sways, we reap the benefit of being wedged between Montreal and Toronto, which = 8 guaranteed sell outs, regardless of how poor the sens are doing. Also, people 'round here seem to love the rangers, which is another 2 home games.

    *shrug* I really do not see the Sens ever folding due to low ticket sales/fan support. I can picture the league folding before the Sens do.

  4. #34
    Caddy knickers is on a distinguished road knickers's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jonf View Post
    Wait...who's obsessed with one opponent? Which pot is that I hear calling the kettle black? You'll be happy not to win the cup as long as the Sens fold? Ya, that's a healthy fan attitude, not pre-occupied with one team at all.
    Although I don't think Ottawa will ever fold. Nor do I want them to. There is an infatuation with the Leafs sucking comeing from many so called fans of other teams. Case and point is the number of threads being posted about the Leafs.
    I'm not seeing any does Ottawa have a legitament chance at the cup this year threads. Or for that matter. Will Montreal make the playoffs threads.
    Hate Toronto if you must(not that I've heard a good reason to hate the actual team on the ice). Its all part of the rivalries. But maybe spend a little more time cheering on the teams your supposed to be cheeriing for.

  5. #35
    Shagging Balls jbrace is on a distinguished road jbrace's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Indio View Post
    Hmmmmm, an interesting item on Sportsnet had the NHL saying that they were considering a rule that limited these events to under 30 minutes because it took away from the game. They were talking about a $50,000 fine for the 2nd offense and possibly a 2 minute delay of game to the home team at the start!.

    Doesn't sound like the NHL thinks it is good PR.... but then again, the new American NHL has watered down the product on the ice so why not get involved in screwing up the product off the ice too!
    Not sure if this was meant as a dis to the Leafs organization or just a general comment. I did not see that item on Sportsnet, but the crew from HNIC were saying something similar about the league cracking down on long-winded pre game ceremonies. However, they all seemed to agree that this particular ceremony was well done (time wise). I think it was under 30 minutes?

  6. #36
    Shagging Balls jbrace is on a distinguished road jbrace's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by knickers View Post
    Hate Toronto if you must(not that I've heard a good reason to hate the actual team on the ice). Its all part of the rivalries. But maybe spend a little more time cheering on the teams your supposed to be cheeriing for.

  7. #37
    Out of Bounds rancherJ is on a distinguished road rancherJ's Avatar
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    Go Leafs Go

    Hate Toronto if you must(not that I've heard a good reason to hate the actual team on the ice). Its all part of the rivalries. But maybe spend a little more time cheering on the teams your supposed to be cheeriing
    Man you hit the nail on the head!
    Personally I enjoy listening and reading all the anti-Leaf venom.
    It's not like they are the Yankees or the Cowboys, teams that won regularly in the past 4 decades. I really think some fans hate the fact we still cheer for,follow and support our team despite the mess the organization was in for 25+ yrs under a now dead and not to be mentioned owner. It seems "Leafs Suck" is fairly common theme around town (and in this and other threads). Have I missed something?
    When the Sens win something or even beat a Leaf team in the playoffs maybe the fan base will collectively start to recognize and define themselves as the great organization they are. I love the fact we have NHL hockey in town. Sens fans come in all stripes as do Leaf fans but for those of you who may be feeling bitter focus on your team. If anything Leaf fans can be a model for you in that area. After the decades of futility and embarrassment we are still out in number at home and away games.

  8. #38
    Hall of Fame Hacker is on a distinguished road Hacker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rancherJ View Post
    After the decades of futility and embarrassment we are still out in number at home and away games.
    I'll definately agree that the true leaf fans are out in number at away games but that is because they can't get tickets to home games.......those tickets are reserved for Corporate Canada

  9. #39
    Out of Bounds rancherJ is on a distinguished road rancherJ's Avatar
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    So your great grandfather didn't have seats in the Gardens? well.......not as big of a problem as you might imagine If you are
    serious about geting in to the ACC go early in the day and get on the waiting list, the reseved tickets are released approx 1/2 hr before game time. and yes corporate boxes are 100% sold in TO. In Ottawa just walk up any time (except Leaf and Hab games) and pick out the seats you like and away you go. You could get playoff tickets at the box office last year the day before most games. now that is convenient!

  10. #40
    Shagging Balls jbrace is on a distinguished road jbrace's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hacker View Post
    I'll definately agree that the true leaf fans are out in number at away games but that is because they can't get tickets to home games.......those tickets are reserved for Corporate Canada
    Good point. It's a sad truth, at least for us Leafs fans, that it's near impossible to get Leaf home tickets unless you are willing to pay out your *****. That has always irked me, but not enough to stop being a Leafs fan. Afterall, I cheer for the team on the ice not the organization in the offices, or the government-owned network that gets accused of being impartial to them for that matter. Besides, I realize that at the end of the day, it's just business and capitalism in it's finest(?) form. If the demand is there, they charge whatever they want.

  11. #41
    Hall of Fame Hacker is on a distinguished road Hacker's Avatar
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    Well said jbrace - and with a population of 2.7 million (compared to Ottawa's 875,000) it is surprizing that the 19,800 seat ACC EVER has an unsold ticket.......which I guess is why then can charge whatever they want for tickets

    Quote Originally Posted by jbrace View Post
    Good point. It's a sad truth, at least for us Leafs fans, that it's near impossible to get Leaf home tickets unless you are willing to pay out your *****. That has always irked me, but not enough to stop being a Leafs fan. Afterall, I cheer for the team on the ice not the organization in the offices, or the government-owned network that gets accused of being impartial to them for that matter. Besides, I realize that at the end of the day, it's just business and capitalism in it's finest(?) form. If the demand is there, they charge whatever they want.

  12. #42
    Forum Idiot Indio is on a distinguished road Indio's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jbrace View Post
    Not sure if this was meant as a dis to the Leafs organization or just a general comment. I did not see that item on Sportsnet, but the crew from HNIC were saying something similar about the league cracking down on long-winded pre game ceremonies. However, they all seemed to agree that this particular ceremony was well done (time wise). I think it was under 30 minutes?
    Nope, not a 'dis' to the Leafs Org at all..... I hate these damned pre game shows in any location..... takes away from the game IMHO. Play hockey, if I wanted to watch the Academy Awards I would tune in.....

  13. #43
    GolfPig of the Year 2006 Golfbum is on a distinguished road
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hacker View Post
    Did you know that 11 Teams who did not exist in 1967 have won the Stanley Cup in during the leafs 40 year drought?

    In total 17 teams that did not exist in 1967 have been to the Stanley Cup Finals since the leafs last won the cup.

    Let them celebrate jonf, they have 40 years worth of parade plans that have been just sitting around collecting dust

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