For me it depends on a number of factors. These would include: the temperature (the hotter it is, the less club that I will need); how "quick" I'm feeling (if I'm tired and sluggish, I'll need more club); my adrenaline level (the higher it is, the less club I'll require). You notice that I have not mentioned such things as wind, rain, elevation changes, and so forth as I have assumed that for the purposes of this question that wind and elevation are not significant. All of that said, for me the club is likely to be either a 5 or a 6 iron. There are other times (this past Saturday, for example) when a 4 iron might be appropriate and other times (in the heat of summer when I've been on vacation for 3 weeks) that a 7 iron might be perfect. In short, at least for me, I am not committed to a particular club under any and all conditions. My advice, for what it's worth, is to be flexible and to use the club that all of the circumstances dictate after you have suspended the irrational influence of your ego.