"Iron loft creep over the decades has done a number of things, one of which is that a modern 6-iron is probably closer to a classical 5-iron, so as pointed out by Chieflongtee this will matter in club selection. To determine if respondents are using modern or classical lofts in their irons another poll could be run, but a large majority would probably come back with “I don’t know”. If this was corrected for it would only shift some people either up or down a club – there is a reason why they are called “modern lofts”...

You have hit the nail on the head. My new dream set of irons is going to be the Bang Tour Tools Classic II, which replicates the Wilson blades of the early 60's. The 5-iron has a loft of 30 degrees, lie of 59 degrees. Now that's how I remember learning the game!

Back in the day, a 9-iron carried 110, and a driver carried 220...if you were a good player!