Being a newbie to golf, this summer being the first time I’ve been able to get out on a regular basis, I too have suffered through the dreaded SLICE. Took some lessons, and solved the slice problem, well almost. There were times when I would look down the fairway of a par 5 and wail away like a madman trying to get as much distance as humanly possible. It was usually one of these times when the slice would again raise its ugly head. Then a friend of mine, a 8 handicapper took me aside and beat some good advice into the old noggin. He started by asking me if I knew of any sport where if you wanted to become proficient at, that you didn’t have to AIM. Of course I said there wasn’t any such, so then he asked me what was I aiming at when I got to the par 5’s, and for the life of me I couldn’t tell him an exact target. Like I said I would line up hopefully on the centre of the fairway and hit it as hard as I could swing. If it went straight down the middle it was more of a miracle then good management. He suggested that I pick a tree somewhere down the fairway, and hit it at that tree, and not be happy with my shot unless it went directly at that tree. I started teeing up the ball, walking behind it and sighting down the fairway at some far off target, something I didn’t think I could actually hit, but was going to try. Address the ball and settle in, take one more look at my target, then complete the swing. Well low and behold, shots started going where I was aiming, and the real kicker was I was getting 15 to 20 yards further out, with what seemed to be not near as much effort. If you want to experience the true fun of golf, pick a target, give it a whack, and look up to see it screaming down the fairway, dead on the target. What keeps you coming back eh........