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  1. #1

    quitting smoking...

    any tips? cold turkey? patch? gum? I end up smoking more on the golf coruse than anywhere else, I'm a chimney on the course. I really need to stop, this is getting out of hand

  2. #2
    Sir Post-a-lot dH is on a distinguished road dH's Avatar
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    Good luck,

    I quit eh last year for 6 months until there was a massive line infront of me. There is just SOMETHING about smoking on the coruse. maybe it's addictive nature not sure either way if you smoke on the course it's too hard to restrict and next thing ya know your back into it and a year passes by.

    Moderation sucks; if you could moderate you probably wouldn't have to quit so badly would you??

    COLD TURKEY = The key. IT's more of a mental shift follow a different MEME get off the tobacco wagon mindset and start treating yourself with respect is the only way I"ve ever done it. Than again i'm back in trouble as per ususal so who knows.

    What I do know is quitting will be the best thing you can do if you can.

    Good luck!

  3. #3
    Thanks dahaca.

    I've only been smoking for a year, it actually started on the course last year and its been going strong since. I tried to quit once but it lasted about 4 hours. Before I try to quit, just wanted to know if there were any mind tricks, thoughts or something anyone who has already quit used that actually worked.

    SUch a bad habit, wish I had never started

  4. #4
    Im a fixture here Pinshark is on a distinguished road Pinshark's Avatar
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    I smoked for years and tried to quit a few times. Get the patch....the new one out now with smartdose was the key for me. 4 months now I am off the patch and going strong. Good Luck, it has been the hardest thing I have ever done.
    [URL="http://www.TheGroutDoctor.ca"] [/URL]

  5. #5
    Hall of Fame mpare is on a distinguished road mpare's Avatar
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    I used to smoke two packs a day and tried unsuccessfully to quit three or four times. Each time, I'd convince myself that a cigarette or two, while quitting and just to curb the edge, would not compromise my resolve to end this habit. Forget it. That did not, and does not, work. Eventually, my former law partner and I challenged each other to quit. As an added incentive, the first one to start smoking again would pay the other $200. Neither of us ever smoked again. There was no way that either of us wanted to admit that we did not have as much intestinal fortitude as the other. It was tough to do, especially when having a beer or two with the boys after a fastball or b-ball game. Eventually, the desire goes away and your health improves and so does your bank account. Improved health and more money for golf. What more could any one want!

  6. #6
    Moderator Big Johnny69 is on a distinguished road Big Johnny69's Avatar
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    Forever stuck between single digit and trunk slammer!
    Congrats to all those that quit. It was two years ago yesterday that the GF quit smoking. I can believe that it is the hardest thing you'd ever have to do. She quit cold turkey and at some points she was in rough shape. But what doesn't kill us just makes us stronger and she is all the better for it.
    "A life lived in fear of the new and the untried is not a life lived to its fullest." M.Pare 10/09/08

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by thotho
    any tips? cold turkey? patch? gum? I end up smoking more on the golf coruse than anywhere else, I'm a chimney on the course. I really need to stop, this is getting out of hand
    Good Man. If you really want to quit you won't need any of that stuff. the patch and the gum is just a crutch. I hate to be so narrow minded but I've gone through quiting an addiction and I did it cold turkey, no peer group, no meetings, no doctors, no chemical aids, no intervention, so it CAN be done. You just have to find purpose a life. if it's to play in the Canadian Amateur or the US Amateur, use it.

    Good Luck. Think of the golf you can play with the money you're going to save!! I"m sure if you did the math you could have joined a nice club by now.

  8. #8
    Monday Qualifier Started2k3 is on a distinguished road
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    I smoked for 7 years (university). I quit by changing my routines and I WANTED to quit.

    First switched to only smoking only weekdays. One or two just before work, lunch, after work. No evenings or nights.
    Cut out the ones right after work.
    Cut out the ones before work.
    After a while I couldn't even be bothered to go out for one at lunch.

    Desire is completely gone.

    Hope this helps.
    Back at it.

  9. #9
    Forum Idiot Indio is on a distinguished road Indio's Avatar
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    A word to the wise!

    I quit for 10 years and felt great, lung capacity increased dramatically, wasn't huffing and puffing on the course anymore, clothes didn't stink, no yellow fingers, .... it was great! Unfortunately was playing a beautiful round of golf at Landmark in Indio Ca last year and the beer waggon stopped by several times, the 3 ladies I was golfing with all smoked and what to hell, one won't hurt me.... WRONG, that night went in search of Canadian cigarettes! Found them at $85 US a carton and have regretted it ever since..

    So Geoff, if we get to play together this summer, play the left side of the fairway cause the right rough is very smokey!
    Proud member of the 2009 OG/TGN Ryder Cup Champions

  10. #10
    Birdie g8r is on a distinguished road
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    I quit last year (just last week was one year anniversary). Like someone else said, FIRST AND MOST IMPORTANTLY you have to WANT to quit.

    I was lucky (sort of) and got really sick and couldn't smoke for a few days, thought, hey, I want to quit, and I'm already past the first few days, so I'll just quit. One of the keys for me was to conitnue the "smoker's routine". I had a half pack of cigarettes at my house, and for the first few weeks, if I was out and had a craving, I'd just say to myself, "I'll have one when I get home". This way I wouldn't go out and buy a pack. That pack stayed at my house for almost 5 months...it was psychological at that point.

    I would go outside with my friends and co-workers who smoked because I was so used to taking a break every hour or so I needed the routine. Eventually, they stop inviting you, or you don't want to go. That way you get to still smell the smoke. This takes alot of willpower and I have always told my friends that I am quitting and it is my responsibility to quit, so if I ask for one, give it to me...and I've never asked.

    Only smoked once since that time, after MANY hours of drinking, and the next day I felt so terrible that I haven't touched another one since. (your hangovers are a lot better once you quit, that should be incentive enough)

    Its all about control. You Just don't have a smoke. It sounds easy to a non-smoker, but it's not. Once you learn to do that with smokes, you can do it with any other temptations.

    To this day, I will still tell people who ask that I loved to smoke, it was great, but I've realized that I'm not going to do it anymore.

  11. #11
    Singles Match Play Champ 2011 John is on a distinguished road John's Avatar
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    I haven't smoked since New Years day this year. I'll never smoke again and to be honest even though i smoked for 13 years i feel at this point like i never smoked. You've got to flick a mental switch, you have to make yourself believe you don't smoke nor want to smoke or even ever smoked. The first few weeks can have their testing moments but if you jones for a smoke just remind yourself that you don't smoke. It's working for me so far.

  12. #12
    only had 3 smokes today.. going to see a dr about putting me on the patch (the real patch). I'm going to make a serious go of this. I told myself that if quit smoking this year I will treat myself to a round at TPC while in arizona this year

  13. #13
    Uber Poster little brit is on a distinguished road little brit's Avatar
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    I did the same thing as Indio. Smoked 2 packs a day then packed it in by reducing to 3 a day, relighting them constantly. Then cutting it out althogether after about 2 weeks. Years later I was in a bar with friends and thought one won't hurt, but the next morning I was dying for a ciggie. So I started again and smoked for a few more years until I gave it up midnight millenium. This time I used the gum. I found it made it a lot easier. I didn't even go through a whole pack of gum I just had a piece if I felt desperate and it calmed me down. Now I wouldn't dare even consider another cigarette.

  14. #14
    Forum Idiot Indio is on a distinguished road Indio's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by little brit
    I didn't even go through a whole pack of gum I just had a piece if I felt desperate and it calmed me down. Now I wouldn't dare even consider another cigarette.

    Hey Little Brit, have I got a deal for you ....

    Proud member of the 2009 OG/TGN Ryder Cup Champions

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