Kinda dead in here lately so here goes.

After watching the Ryder Cup, what are some people's thoughts?
Ex. Curtis Strange's decision to back load the single matches, Sam Torrance's front load, Sergio's celebrations, the crowd behavior, the 10th hole, Zinger's bunker shot, etc. Talk about whatever you like.

We all know it’s easy to 2nd guess now the competition is over.
So I'm giving the thoughts I had before Monty & Hoch teed off.

Myself, I didn't like either captain's decision. Sam took quite a gamble (although it did pay off) and Curtis was too conservative. I think you have to mix it up a little. Keeping both Tiger & Mickelson till the end was too conservative. You need some strength at the top to start to get momentum and keep one at the end in case you need him. Man, the thing might be over before you even get to those matches with the world's #1 & 2 players.

Sam I thought took too much of a gamble. He better hope Monty, Sergio, Langer wins cause if they don't, the wind certainly will be gone out of Europe's sails and you can kiss the competition good-bye.

Today's thoughts:
Sam Torrance has balls.
You can see the confidence he must of had in Monty, Sergio, & Langer to top load the line-up the way he did.
Congrats! To Europe they played well & deserve the Ryder Cup.