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Thread: My golf workout

  1. #1

    My golf workout

    This is somewhat a continuation of my “did I really put 70 yards onto my drive” thread. Last time I said I was about to start taking some sessions with a personal trainer and they would be golf specific exercises. Well I’ve just finished the 3rd and final session so I’m here to report back. The works out were taught to me in 3 separate categories important to golf. Stability, Strength and Core, which is also the order they are to be done in. I’m going to talk to as if no one knows how to work out or has been to a gym so everyone will understand so sorry if its sounds like I’m talking to you guys like you are retarded J

    Stability – No weights required, you just need a stability ball (SB). Each exercise is done for 3 sets of 10 repetitions.

    Quadruped arm opposite leg raise - In this exercise you are on all fours. Take one hand off the ground and the opposite leg off the ground and extend them until fully stretched until the arm, back and leg all make a straight line (really stretch out as much as you can)… while doing this you want to flex your abs as well. Hold this for 10 seconds. Then do the other arm and opposite leg. This is one FULL repetition; you need to do 10 of these.

    NOTE: This exercise is to build stability, not to build strength. If you find it very easy to balance and are doing this with hardly any effort to stay balanced then instead of doing it on all 4’s start as if you are about to do a pushup THEN lift one arm and the opposite leg off the ground. This is not easy!

    Bridge on stability ball – For this exercise you need the stability ball. To set up, you want to get your lower back on the top of the ball and then start stepping forward until your shoulder blades are the only part touching the ball. Your knees should be at 90* so use a ball that is the right height (I think they are color coded and for most men its blue). Then, left one leg off the ground and try to keep your balance. Do this for 4 seconds with each leg. That is one rep. You want to do 10 reps, 3 sets.

    Reverse Trunk Curl - For this you will need the stability ball and a wall or something to put your feet against. So, face down, feet against the wall and your stomach on the ball. You just want to lift your body up using your lower back. Go up as high as you can and come down as far as you can (usually this means your chest against the head side of the ball.

    Strength – For this you will most likely have to be at the gym using the cable machines. These are all 8 sets of 3 reps. The attachment on the pulley machine used for all these exercise is square one meant for one hand... not the rope or a bar of any kind

    Chest press (1 arm standing) - You want to be in the lunge position for this with your back facing away from the pulley machine. If you are doing your right pectoral, you want your right leg back and knee about 8 inches the ground and the left leg in front of you, knee bent. The cable machines pulley should be at elbow level when you are in this position. Then you just grab the attachment hooked to the cable and just push forward. You want to use enough weight so that after the 6th rep it gets difficult and you can only do two more for a total of 8. Then do the other pectoral. 3 sets each side, 8 reps each set.

    Rowing (1 arm standing) - For this one you want to be facing the pulley machine, feet together. Knees bent. You want to grab the attachment hooked to the cable and pull back until your elbow is as far back behind your back as you can take it. Both arms, 3 sets, 8 reps

    Seatbelt (1 arm standing) - For this exercise you want the pulley to be set around shoulder height (maybe 8 inches higher) and want to be standing far enough from the machine that you can just get your hand on the attachment. You grab the attachment and move it as if you were grabbing a seatbelt and are buckling it. Stop when your hand gets to your opposite hip. Then slowly go back to the start position as if you were taking your seat belt off. That’s one rep. Both sides, 3 sets, 8 reps. Use enough weight so it becomes difficult after 6 but you can still make it to 8 if you push yourself.

    Wood Chop (standing one arm) – Ok, these next two are a lot of fun and hurt a lot as well (that part isn’t fun). Let’s start with the set up for a right handed golfer. Have your right shoulder facing the pulley machine. Have the pulley set at one foot above standing shoulder height and stand far away enough that you can just get both hands onto the attachment hooked to the cable. Take a ¼ step forward so you are a little more forward than the pulley. Now, get into your golf stance. Put your left and on the attachment and then your right hand over your left hand (coming in from the other side of the attachment). Now, start to pull the weight across your body as if you were swinging a club. At the same time you want to start lowering your body with your legs towards the ground while keeping the space between your feet the same. To move the weight across your body you are using your arms and a twisting motion at the waist. Do the reverse when returning to the original position. Even thought you never swing left handed you still have to do the other side so set up like a lefty and do the same. 3 set each site, 8 reps.

    Drawing a sword (one arm standing) – You want the pulley machine a little below your hip on this one. Grab the weight and move it up and across your body until your arm is in a 90* position with your fist up then back down. Both arms, 3 sets, 8 reps. A lot of people I know have a bad rotator cuff. If you start to hurt stop right away. Maybe use lighter weights or just don’t do it at all if you have a really bad shoulder but it is an exercise physiotherapists recommend with really light weights for people recovering from a torn rotator cuff. 3 sets, 8 reps, both sides.

    The core is by far the lest fun part of the work out and after your first day you will be really soar but don’t give up, it stops hurting after a few work outs. For this you will need a medicine ball (5kg is enough for me but might be too little for some and too much for others).

    Reverse Curl twist – Sit down on a mat and get into a sit up position. It’s easier to do if you can lock your feet under something or get someone to sit on them. You want your back and the mat to make a 45* angle, grab the medicine ball and using only a twisting motion touch the bottom of the medicine ball to the ground to the left of you and then to the right of you. Don’t cheat by using your arms to get the ball to touch the ground sooner. Do 5 on each side. Now, without resting move down farther so the angle between your back and the mat is only 30* now. Do 5 on each side again. That is one full set. Do that twice. If it’s to easy use a heavier ball, if it’s to hard use a lighter weight.

    Front Plank – Get into a push up position but instead of your palms on the ground, you want your elbows on the ground (forearm and wrists on the ground as well). Lift your mid section into the air. While doing this you want to flex your abs and your butt. Hold this for 45 seconds if you can (I can’t) and then stop. If this gets to easy, do it with a weight on your back. Do this 3 times.

    Side Plank – Same as above but you are on your side. Lay on your right side, right elbow on the ground and lift your right hip off the ground. Hold it for 45 seconds. If it’s too easy you can put a medicine ball between your left arm and left hip to make it harder. Both sides, 3 times, 45 seconds each.

    JACK KNIFES- This one is as bad as it sounds. Lie down on your back. Grab a medicine ball and hold it in your hands while your arms are reaching as far back as possible (really feel the stretch). Then, at the same time, bring your back and legs off the ground at the same time so only your butt is on the matt and you want your elbows to almost touch your knees. Then almost back to the starting position but don’t let your back or legs touch the ground again. Do this 15 times. If it’s too hard, do it without the ball or a lighter ball. If it’s to easy… don’t worry it won’t be… but if it is, add more weight.

    NOTE: None of these exercises are supposed to hurt. If you feel any pain during the exercise then stop and talk to someone at the gym. They will be able to help you with your form because you are most likely doing it wrong (possibly because I didn’t do a good job explaining the exercise).

    The first day after I did this, I felt like I did in July when I played 36 holes in 7 hours and used driver everywhere I possibly could. All my golf muscles were hurting. I was told that doing this once a week is more than enough since I work out 4 days a week anyway. If you don’t work out, then maybe doing this twice a week is better for you. Anyway, good luck with the workout to anyone who chooses to try it. If anyone has any questions feel free to PM me or ask me in here

  2. #2
    anyone going to give it a try? I would be interested in seeing how it benfits you in terms of yardage from now till the season starts

  3. #3
    Hall of Fame jonf is on a distinguished road jonf's Avatar
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    I'll probably give the core exercises a try - I'm always looking for good new exercises on my exercise ball. I can never convince myself to do anything sport-specific, as I play too many sports to exercise properly for all of them, but a strong core helps for all sports. I'll let you know what I think once I get a chance to give them a try

  4. #4
    7 Wood East Coast Golf is on a distinguished road
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    I am going to give it a go. I workout about 3 times a week now just doing chest-tri, back-bi's and shoudler-legs with cardio in between.

    I needed something like this to help with flexibility.


    I'll let you know how I feel a month from now.

  5. #5
    I dont know why but my personal trainer (the one beofre this one) told me to do back-shoulder, chest-biceps, legs-tris

    Said it was the optimal way for a 3 day workout

  6. #6
    Champion sharkhark is on a distinguished road sharkhark's Avatar
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    I was in lousy shape last yr. Have been working out dilligently at Y for past three mths.
    Lost 7 lbs so far ( I need about 30 total!).
    I do core exercises, not specifically for golf, but some are similar to yours, and trainer also has me doing alot of cardio and weight routine.

    I am looking forward to spring to see impact (if any?) on my golf.

    Keep it up. I especially found the core stuff hard initially. Even simple crunches started to hurt after less than 10 in beginning.

    That was a 'cry for help' I believe.
    "Chicks dig me, because I rarely wear underwear and when I do it's usually something unusual"

  7. #7
    Must be Single dbleber is on a distinguished road dbleber's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by East Coast Golf
    I am going to give it a go. I workout about 3 times a week now just doing chest-tri, back-bi's and shoudler-legs with cardio in between.

    I needed something like this to help with flexibility.


    I'll let you know how I feel a month from now.
    If you are only going to do a 3 day a week routine then this a better one to do. Chest and tri's are a good combo because when you workout your chest you are also using your triceps just not enough to get them to max out, same with back and bi's, shoulders and legs will be a longer workout since the legs are a HUGE muscle group and your shoulders have so many exercises in order to hit them properly. One of the biggest mistakes people do when they start to workout is, they are to keen in the beginning and train to hard. This causes them to be really sore which in turn causes them to take time off and get out of routine. Start slow with lower weights and work yourself up. After a workout you should feel tight but not so sore that you can't do anything else. I usually workout for an hour and then play 18 holes of golf without to much discomfort, I even went a few times last year when the course was empty and pretty much ran the golf course while I played, only took me around 2 hours for 18! Good workoutt!

  8. #8
    Ahaha, I've been working out for ages now. My arms have gotten bigger and more cut but I havne't lost any flexabilty thanks to my streching before workouts and then the next morning as well (never strech after a workout). The core really killed me as well because I NEVER do abs. I don't really do any cardio since I'm in pretty good shape... OR SO I THOUGHT. Until my friend made me go to spin class with her. 60min class and I was drenched after 30 minutes and was out of my bike at 35min and home at 45min (took a cab cause I couldn't want... but everyone takes cabs downtown toronto). Anyway, keep it up man. Congrats on the 7lbs lost so far. Keep up the good work, your deffo. notice a difference on the course this year

  9. #9
    2hrs for 18 holes!!!! That is nuts!

  10. #10
    Champion sharkhark is on a distinguished road sharkhark's Avatar
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    Thanks for the feedback. Only strange thing, is my trainer says to stretch after, not before working out. She says the body is not warmed up and tense, you could actually hurt yourself.
    She has me walk or ride for 10-15 min, do weights, then cardio, then stretch.
    Funny how different people recommend different stuff.
    Anyway, cheers!

    Quote Originally Posted by thotho
    Ahaha, I've been working out for ages now. My arms have gotten bigger and more cut but I havne't lost any flexabilty thanks to my streching before workouts and then the next morning as well (never strech after a workout). The core really killed me as well because I NEVER do abs. I don't really do any cardio since I'm in pretty good shape... OR SO I THOUGHT. Until my friend made me go to spin class with her. 60min class and I was drenched after 30 minutes and was out of my bike at 35min and home at 45min (took a cab cause I couldn't want... but everyone takes cabs downtown toronto). Anyway, keep it up man. Congrats on the 7lbs lost so far. Keep up the good work, your deffo. notice a difference on the course this year
    "Chicks dig me, because I rarely wear underwear and when I do it's usually something unusual"

  11. #11
    They told me not to strech after because its the little muscle tears that are caused from working out that rebuild while you are sleeping and make them grow or something like that. Streching after can cause serious damage and/or demish your gains. Neither really makes sense to me. I just do what I'm told. It is hilarious that two professional trainers say two completely different things... but then again, your trainer does work that the Y... just kidding. I was a member there for years and then switched go goodlife cause it was closer to where I live in toronto. Either way, both great gyms. I'm going to get to the bottom of this

  12. #12
    Must be Single dbleber is on a distinguished road dbleber's Avatar
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    Nuts? Not really, you have to remeber that the course is bare and I didn't realy play true golf. I didn't take any practice swings, never read a putt or took out the flag, gimmies are around 2 feetish and I don't keep score. It's more of a just to get out and get some real excercise rather then play golf. This year I am think of only bringing a 7 iron and a putter and play from the ladies tees, but I am not in as of good shape this year as I was last so I will have to wait and see.

  13. #13
    man, I'm going to try that this year! But my rounds are going to be so few in numbers this year that I wouldn't want to waste one like that espc. since I'm not a member anywhere and would end up paying $40 to do that

  14. #14
    Must be Single dbleber is on a distinguished road dbleber's Avatar
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    Well, IMO both are sort of right. You should do some sort of cario for 10-15 mins, then a quick stretch, then do your workout, then have a good slow stretch. This will take care of the acids in your muscle and help with your recovering time. It depends on where you get your info, it's a lot like the golf swing everybody has their on theories that can prove why the others are wrong.

  15. #15
    Caddy beefstuf is on a distinguished road beefstuf's Avatar
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    You PT is combing push and pull exercises. That way you still have the strength to do the next body part. When you are working your back you are also working you rear deltoid so that eliminates one major muscle for your shoulder work out. Now you can focus on front and side delts.

    I work chest and tris together so I can get out of the gym quicker, they both use each other as secondary muscles. If you work your chest and then biceps you will ensure you target that specific muscle.

    So as of today I work:

    Legs and core
    Chest / Triceps
    Back / Lower Back / Biceps / Obliques
    Shoulders and Traps / Core muscle

    I usually do about 6-8 sets for each muscle with 12-18 reps. The smalle muscles you do not need that many sets. I do not work till failure either. I rest for 1 minute between sets and am out in 1 hour. I do 20 minutes of cardio after every workout.

    Quote Originally Posted by thotho
    I dont know why but my personal trainer (the one beofre this one) told me to do back-shoulder, chest-biceps, legs-tris

    Said it was the optimal way for a 3 day workout

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