100 Holes of Hope
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  1. #1
    Singles Match Play Champ 2009 Team Match Play Champ 2013, 2014 leftylucas is on a distinguished road leftylucas's Avatar
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    One Plane Swing: The Saga continues

    Lesson # 2 today with Pat Ladouret and I feel alot better about the conversion. I am seeing good progress and in practicing I did achieve what seemed very effortless swings with good results, less ball dispersion. I think that the swing should be called the ON plane swing. Old habits are still creeping in but I am staying on it and I think I will reap the benefits down the road. Pat has already helped me with my set-up position and my backswing is getting consistently in good position and certainly feels much shorter but Pat asures me that I have plenty of backswing.

    I am really happy I am doing this now and have the time to practice before we are actually on the course. My third lesson is next week and I hope that I see more improvement. Pat is very encouraging and gives excellent feedback, I would recommend him to any one who is thinking of taking a few lessons.

    Thanks to BC Mist (Lyle) once again for the heads up. BTW Lyle I just received my SMT455!!

    Lefty Lucas
    I am abidextrous, I once golfed right-handed and now I shoot left-handed just as badly!

  2. #2
    Gap Wedge golfgearguy is on a distinguished road
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    I've read Hardy's teachings, and I've watched his (few) students: Jacobsen, McCarron and they look great. They put alot of emphasis into strength and stability in order to hold their posture in this further-forward posture for this swing to be effective. Can you upload your swing?

  3. #3
    Singles Match Play Champ 2009 Team Match Play Champ 2013, 2014 leftylucas is on a distinguished road leftylucas's Avatar
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    Upload swing

    I have a camera, I will upload it but I have not gotten the swing down 100% yet. It has only been 2 weeks with 2 lessons and 2 indoor practices but every little bit helps.

    Lefty Lucas
    I am abidextrous, I once golfed right-handed and now I shoot left-handed just as badly!

  4. #4
    Golf Canada Rules Official L4 BC MIST is on a distinguished road
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    Quote Originally Posted by leftylucas
    I have a camera, I will upload it but I have not gotten the swing down 100% yet. Luc
    Besides Moe Norman and Ben Hogan, name another golfer who has their swing down 100%. It is an admirable goal.

  5. #5
    Singles Match Play Champ 2009 Team Match Play Champ 2013, 2014 leftylucas is on a distinguished road leftylucas's Avatar
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    Good one Lyle, I tried to come up with some names but to no avail. Well maybe my profile on Tiger Woods 06!! I guess I will have to settle for a swing that I am almost 100% satisfied with. I mean, if we cannot tweak, where would we all be, not on these forums, right Lyle?

    I have always tweaked my equipment over the years as my game improved and thought that it was warranted but I am more excited about the swing change than anything new and shiny in my bag. Kinda funny.

    Lefty Lucas
    I am abidextrous, I once golfed right-handed and now I shoot left-handed just as badly!

  6. #6
    Golf Canada Rules Official L4 BC MIST is on a distinguished road
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    Quote Originally Posted by leftylucas
    Good one Lyle, I tried to come up with some names but to no avail. Well maybe my profile on Tiger Woods 06!! I guess I will have to settle for a swing that I am almost 100% satisfied with. I mean, if we cannot tweak, where would we all be, not on these forums, right Lyle?

    I have always tweaked my equipment over the years as my game improved and thought that it was warranted but I am more excited about the swing change than anything new and shiny in my bag. Kinda funny.
    No one can deny that it is always exciting to put some new and shiny sticks in the bag. The problem is that many do so with the mindset that the cubs are going to improve the player's game significantly, do not, disappointment sets in and more clubs are bought.

    When you makes swing changes as you are doing, that will make you a better ball striker in time, you realize just how good the "old" clubs actually were.

  7. #7
    Singles Match Play Champ 2009 Team Match Play Champ 2013, 2014 leftylucas is on a distinguished road leftylucas's Avatar
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    Absolutely, I could not agree more, but man, is it ever fun buying those shiny sticks!!
    Lefty Lucas
    I am abidextrous, I once golfed right-handed and now I shoot left-handed just as badly!

  8. #8
    Singles Match Play Champ 2009 Team Match Play Champ 2013, 2014 leftylucas is on a distinguished road leftylucas's Avatar
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    Lesson # 3

    Today I saw some improvement. Pat told me my backswing was much shorter now and that that my downswing is now on plane. I have to practice my timing and contact, as that is where I am getiing a litlle funky. I keep wanting to release my back arm. Keeping my hips a little more quiet is a chore but it is coming along. The swing is much easier on the body and seems less complicated. Another week of practice should prove beneficial.
    Lefty Lucas
    I am abidextrous, I once golfed right-handed and now I shoot left-handed just as badly!

  9. #9
    Golf Canada Rules Official L4 BC MIST is on a distinguished road
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    Quote Originally Posted by leftylucas
    Today I saw some improvement. Pat told me my backswing was much shorter now and that my downswing is now on plane. I have to practice my timing and contact, as that is where I am getiing a litlle funky. I keep wanting to release my back arm. Keeping my hips a little more quiet is a chore but it is coming along. The swing is much easier on the body and seems less complicated. Another week of practice should prove beneficial.
    Knowing what plane Pat means when he says your swing is ON PLANE, is an indication of the significant progress that you have made. There is a war being raged in your subconcscious mind between the old and the new positions, and in time and correct practice, the new will win. When this happens, you will see a more consistent ball flight.

    Your "less complicated" comment shows that you mind is becoming uncluttered. Keep it up.

  10. #10
    Singles Match Play Champ 2009 Team Match Play Champ 2013, 2014 leftylucas is on a distinguished road leftylucas's Avatar
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    A war for sure

    Your right, a very good choice of words Lyle, Pat thought we would be working on my take away all lesson but he told me after seeing me take a few swings that it was fine. We worked instead on the mechanics of my dwonswing and that is where I need to win the war. I am still subconsciously trying to make room for the club coming down when I do not have to do so. I worked on it last night and it seemed less awkward. Hopefully a little more progress on the battle front this week in practice.

    Thanks for the encouragement, I am certain this will pay dividends.
    Lefty Lucas
    I am abidextrous, I once golfed right-handed and now I shoot left-handed just as badly!

  11. #11
    Singles Match Play Champ 2009 Team Match Play Champ 2013, 2014 leftylucas is on a distinguished road leftylucas's Avatar
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    Lesson # 4

    This was a great lesson. Pat was able to pick up a flaw in my back arm wrist position which caused me to flip the wrist at or on impact. He gave me a couple of drills to work on this. He is a very positive instructor and he is able to communicate in different ways what it is he is trying to get you to do. I was able to get a couple of swings down with my wrist flatter and WOW, the ball just flew off my clubhead with such ease and power. It was so effortless. I will work on the wrist flaw this week. Pat was very pleased with my backswing, on plane downswing and much quieter hips and follow through. It is almost hard to believe that the ball will fly any idstance swinging this way but it does. This was definitetly a worthwhile change!
    Lefty Lucas
    I am abidextrous, I once golfed right-handed and now I shoot left-handed just as badly!

  12. #12
    Singles Match Play Champ 2009 Team Match Play Champ 2013, 2014 leftylucas is on a distinguished road leftylucas's Avatar
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    Lesson # 5

    I feel like my swing is really coming along. I hit some very pure shots today and they felt effortless. I have to work on a flippy wrist action of my back arm just after impact to my follow through. Pat showed me a couple of drills to keep my arms feeling like they are going straight and down the line after impact (although they are coming back inside). Mechanically I have the real basics down and now its a matter of practice.

    There is no real comparison on the feel of this new swing and my old swing. This swing is much easier, feels like you are really not swinging hard at all and a lot less complicated and man does it ever feel consistent.
    Lefty Lucas
    I am abidextrous, I once golfed right-handed and now I shoot left-handed just as badly!

  13. #13
    Golf Canada Rules Official L4 BC MIST is on a distinguished road
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    Quote Originally Posted by leftylucas
    I feel like my swing is really coming along. I hit some very pure shots today and they felt effortless. I have to work on a flippy wrist action of my back arm just after impact to my follow through. Pat showed me a couple of drills to keep my arms feeling like they are going straight and down the line after impact (although they are coming back inside). Mechanically I have the real basics down and now its a matter of practice.

    There is no real comparison on the feel of this new swing and my old swing. This swing is much easier, feels like you are really not swinging hard at all and a lot less complicated and man does it ever feel consistent.
    Does this mean that your conversion to a "single" plane is complete and you are convinced that this action is better than the old more upright motion?

    The words that you use, "easier," "not swinging hard," "a lot less complicated," & feel(s) consistent," indicates that you have made huge progress. This is good to see.

    Now, with your conversion that only leaves 4,567,432,643 golfers to go.

  14. #14
    Singles Match Play Champ 2009 Team Match Play Champ 2013, 2014 leftylucas is on a distinguished road leftylucas's Avatar
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    Complete for now

    Yes, I am converted and I am more convinced than ever that this was the best move. Its quite amazing and would never have thought that a swing could be like this. I am now in full practice mode and I will call on Pat once I feel I am ready for more speed.
    Lefty Lucas
    I am abidextrous, I once golfed right-handed and now I shoot left-handed just as badly!

  15. #15
    Must be Single mberube is on a distinguished road mberube's Avatar
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    Do you have a before and current video session of your swing? I would love to see it.

    Strive for perfection, but never expect it!

  16. #16
    Singles Match Play Champ 2009 Team Match Play Champ 2013, 2014 leftylucas is on a distinguished road leftylucas's Avatar
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    I have a after only not before but I am pretty sure I could still swing my old way. I am planing on putting on.
    Lefty Lucas
    I am abidextrous, I once golfed right-handed and now I shoot left-handed just as badly!

  17. #17
    Must be Single mberube is on a distinguished road mberube's Avatar
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    Can you send it to me? I have a FTP site that you can use. PM me if you like. I would love to see it.

    I’m also working on flattening my downswing.

    Strive for perfection, but never expect it!

  18. #18
    Singles Match Play Champ 2009 Team Match Play Champ 2013, 2014 leftylucas is on a distinguished road leftylucas's Avatar
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    I will try to get that for you but I can tell you that I have read Jim Hardy's book and also susscribed to a video website and with all that there is no substitute for a good teacher to look at you and give you feedback. Once on the right track then rpactice makes perfect, if you practice the wrong technique, ouch!!
    Lefty Lucas
    I am abidextrous, I once golfed right-handed and now I shoot left-handed just as badly!

  19. #19
    Singles Match Play Champ 2009 Team Match Play Champ 2013, 2014 leftylucas is on a distinguished road leftylucas's Avatar
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    I have played about 5 games so far and I saw my ionstructor today who identified some of the errors I was making. Old habits die hard. At the same time he gave me some great tips on identifying when I am getting myself into trouble.

    This swing is already showing itself to be a blessing and I strongly encourage any one to seek good instruction if they want to improve. Practice of course being the best tool of all. I could truly see the difference in ball flight and direction when I executed properly.
    Lefty Lucas
    I am abidextrous, I once golfed right-handed and now I shoot left-handed just as badly!

  20. #20
    Sir Post-a-lot dH is on a distinguished road dH's Avatar
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    I sent him an email awaiting response I'm excited to start getting some one plane lessons as well! Had some over Xmas and it made a huge difference only problemis I've lost it all and doing what I used to do. *when I had no swing :S*

  21. #21
    Singles Match Play Champ 2009 Team Match Play Champ 2013, 2014 leftylucas is on a distinguished road leftylucas's Avatar
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    Keep at it

    I can only tell you to keep at it as I started indoors this winter and now I am actually playing pretty well with it knowing that I will continue improving. I remember a while back doubting the change was good but now I would never go back.
    Lefty Lucas
    I am abidextrous, I once golfed right-handed and now I shoot left-handed just as badly!

  22. #22
    4 Iron Gangrel is on a distinguished road
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    Where can i find some contact info for the instructor?

    I have been a "natural golfer" or whatever you want to call it almost from day one. Just happened when I took lessons through the City i ended up with a guy who's name escapes me, but taught the one plane swing.

    I have struggled with trying to perfect it with not much consistent success.

    I think a few lessons with a teacher would help considerably......

  23. #23
    Sir Post-a-lot dH is on a distinguished road dH's Avatar
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    It's Pat @ Cedharillgolf.com or just call them and ask to talk to him. I'm booking some lessons later this month when I"ll be around more.

  24. #24
    4 Iron Gangrel is on a distinguished road
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    Quote Originally Posted by dH
    It's Pat @ Cedharillgolf.com or just call them and ask to talk to him. I'm booking some lessons later this month when I"ll be around more.

    Thanks man. I fired an email off. Hopefully he's still giving some lessons, or even some group ones.

    After a few summers of trying to perfect what i learned through the city lessons, hoepfully he can help me out.

  25. #25
    Sir Post-a-lot dH is on a distinguished road dH's Avatar
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    Agreed I emailed him and got a reply. Heard he's good from numerous sources and lets get seroius. ONe plane is where it's at!

  26. #26
    4 Iron Gangrel is on a distinguished road
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    hmmm, he got back to me and i need to phone him and set something up. I just have never taken lessons before, and am wondering if I should get 3 1/2 hour sessions or go for 5?

    Any suggestions?

    I'm not looking to perfect my game here, just get a bloody consisten swing for now, and I'll worry about the rest later.

  27. #27
    Singles Match Play Champ 2009 Team Match Play Champ 2013, 2014 leftylucas is on a distinguished road leftylucas's Avatar
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    Pat Laderoute

    He is definitely still giving lessons, he is my instructor and I had a lesson on Monday. Pat is a very efficient and methodical teacher. He assesses your swing, finds your tendencies and then works on what you want to achieve. I can tell you that he has brought my swing a long way and the biggest commitment has to be from you to work on those drills that will groove the swing. Good luck.
    Lefty Lucas
    I am abidextrous, I once golfed right-handed and now I shoot left-handed just as badly!

  28. #28
    Sir Post-a-lot dH is on a distinguished road dH's Avatar
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    5 pack is what I'd do. NO sense in just starting 1 or 2. And I don't think 5 is enough to perfect the swing

  29. #29
    Singles Match Play Champ 2009 Team Match Play Champ 2013, 2014 leftylucas is on a distinguished road leftylucas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dH
    5 pack is what I'd do. NO sense in just starting 1 or 2. And I don't think 5 is enough to perfect the swing
    i agree completely, I took 5 lessons in the late winter & early spring and one more this week and i know I will be seeing Pat again this summer. It is also a question of your own progress. We are not Tiger Woods, give a swing change 1 year before you can really play 100% with it.
    Lefty Lucas
    I am abidextrous, I once golfed right-handed and now I shoot left-handed just as badly!

  30. #30
    4 Iron Gangrel is on a distinguished road
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    Thanks for the advice. I'll probably take up the 5 pack.

    I'm not looking to be Tiger. I'd like to break 100, but more importantly I just want to find some consistency!

    Nothing aggrevates me more then grooving a few shots down the middle-ish, and then the next few holes topping the ball or pulling it off to the left.....

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