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Thread: Swing Speed

  1. #1
    Arrow shooter Chieflongtee is on a distinguished road Chieflongtee's Avatar
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    Swing Speed

    How does one increase swing speed without having to go for a lighter shaft and without coming out of his shoes?
    Last edited by Chieflongtee; 10-04-2005 at 08:47 AM.

  2. #2
    Hall of Fame jvincent is on a distinguished road jvincent's Avatar
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    Back to basics.

    Strong shoulder turn, and release the club as late as possible.

    That being said, everyone will have a natural, physiologically imposed limit. Some people can just swing fast.

  3. #3
    Golf Canada Rules Official L4 BC MIST is on a distinguished road
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chieflongtee
    How does one increase swing speed without having to go for a lighter shaft and without coming out of his shoes?
    1.* since the arms/hands are responsible for most of the club head speed, move them faster, IN BALANCE.
    2. swing on plane which means that when the club head is below horizontal on the downswing, the shaft points to the target line.
    3. club head path is from the inside.
    4. the right wrist is flexed backwards(bent) at impact.
    5. workout, developing the fast twitch muscle fibres of the arms, for those of you who have them(fast twitch, that is).

    The lighter shaft will increase the speed, no doubt, but by mouse farts, only.

    If you want to LOSE club head speed, and accuracy, turn your shoulders more(Jim McLean's "Y" factor or "X") or drive your hips towards the target.(Chiropractic services available at 555-crak)

    * A couple of weeks ago I played in a senior tournament at Cataraqui in Kingston with a Cat member whose left arm was HORIZONTAL at the "top" of his backswing, and whose left shoulder was no where near turned 90* as the experts say it should be, and yet his drives averaged 40 to 60 yards ahead of my 250 yard bunts. The arms of this 50+ year old man moved so fast on the downswing they were a blur. He conjectured that he picked up about 30 yards since he started working out, with emphasis on strengthening his arms.

  4. #4
    One thing about swing speed, do not try to swing harder with your arms, that will leave you with an unbalanced, wierd looking swing with awful results. Try making a full turn and full backswing a little more in rythm ( slightly slower most likely) and when you are at the top of your backswing try having your first motion being driving your shoulder downwards and letting your arms follow your shoulders through impact, try to keep your wrists c*ocked as long as you can.

    Just like snapping a towel you don't get a snapping from push it forward, its the pulling back that makes the kinetic energy run down the towel into the tip, causing it to snap. In order to make it snap harder and faster, you have to send it on its way toward the target with more force, therefore increasing the Kinetic energy, therfore more power, snap. Implementing that into the golf swing is sending the club on its way faster by starting it out with your shoulders going toward the ball and the target. That increases your speed by 5-7 MPH faster.

    I tried putting that into words and don't know if anyone will understand it, but I tried explaining it the way it makes sense to me.

    If that doesn't work the one thing that will always make the ball fly straighter and farther is by just keeping you left elbow fully straight and extended the whole backswing.

  5. #5
    Got My Card zoic is on a distinguished road zoic's Avatar
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    If that doesn't work the one thing that will always make the ball fly straighter and farther is by just keeping you left elbow fully straight and extended the whole backswing.
    I am so glad you posted that. I had to move from closed shoes into open sandals to compensate for a foot problem and severe cramping. The first thing I noticed was that I had to severely tone down my swing speed to stop from slipping. I saw a reduction on distance, and discovered that keeping my left elbow straight and extended the whole backswing not only added some yards back, but it mostly straightened out the slice I had for years as well.

  6. #6
    Golf Canada Rules Official L4 BC MIST is on a distinguished road
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    Quote Originally Posted by allanhouston90
    One thing about swing speed, do not try to swing harder with your arms, that will leave you with an unbalanced, wierd looking swing with awful results. Try making a full turn and full backswing a little more in rythm ( slightly slower most likely) and when you are at the top of your backswing try having your first motion being driving your shoulder downwards and letting your arms follow your shoulders through impact, try to keep your wrists c*ocked as long as you can.
    IMO, the above paragraph is a description of your perception and feeling of what happens in your swing. By moving your shoulders solely as you described, most golfers would top and or slice the ball and others would hit it very fat. However, if as you move your shoulders this way, your body moves forward into a position which allows your club shaft to come down on the plane that I described above, then a good shot may result. Perception and feeling is what most golf instruction is about, and this, sadly, keeps golfers from becoming as good as they could be.

    Since the arms/hands produce most of the speed in the full golf swing, the statement "do not swing harder with you arms, "will lead to the obvious - less club head speed, not more. If I want to throw a football farther, do I slow down my throwing arm? You know that most golfers swing over the top, and that is caused by the shoulders, not the arms, but, as we see the arms come out we blame the arms. Excessive shoulder turn, whether left or right(the left turns differently than the right and on a different plane) on the backswing or the downswing, leads to poor results.

    If as I start my downswing I try to hit DOWN on the INSIDE QUADRANT of the ball:
    -my weight GETS shifted forward
    -the right shoulder will go UNDER the left (this is what you do)
    -my arms bring the club shaft down ON PLANE
    -the club head comes into the ball from the INSIDE
    -your right wrist stays FLEXED through impact(the right wrist does not coc* in the backswing, only the left)
    All of these wonderful things happen, and more, incidently, with no conscious, swing wrecking, thoughts.

  7. #7
    Well, using your body to help the club along is better than trying to swing with your arms harder.

  8. #8
    Golf Canada Rules Official L4 BC MIST is on a distinguished road
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    Quote Originally Posted by allanhouston90
    Well, using your body to help the club along is better than trying to swing with your arms harder.
    Say your AW maxes out at 100 yards. Take 5 full swings so that the ball flies 20,40, 60, 80 and 100 yards, focusing solely on swinging your arms. What does your body do? It just responds to the ever increasing arm speed by moving a little faster to get itself into a balanced position for the arms to swing through.

    Set up in your address position. In very slow motion turn your body as you would in your normal backswing. What does the club head do. If you are honest, it drags along the ground in a somewhat circular arc because it cannot be lifted unless you use your arms in a manner other than to just hold on to the club. The arms control the path of the club and the wrists the club face position, whether it is FELT this way or not.

    Taking a slap shot in hockey is a similar motion to striking a golf ball. Do hockey players move their body faster to increase the puck speed, or do they move their arms faster?

    At least Jim Flick has it right.

  9. #9
    Arrow shooter Chieflongtee is on a distinguished road Chieflongtee's Avatar
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    Strongly disagree BC. Cut off your legs and see how far you can swing it. The legs and back muscles generate most of the power. They are the larger muscles. Perhaps you should take this up with Theodore Jorgensen.

  10. #10
    Alright let me be more clear, because you obviously don't get what i'm saying.

    If you are swing as hard as you can with just your arms, you will not get a good result. If you swing as hard as you can and you use your usual turn you It will probably be ok results. If you swing at average speed and get QUICKNESS using your core (shoulders and hips) at the down swing right before impact you will have way better results than trying to swing really hard with your arms. Doing that will immobilize your core and wrists and overall body action, producing a terrible shot.

    If you need any more explaining just ask.
    Last edited by allanhouston90; 10-05-2005 at 07:16 PM.

  11. #11
    Golf Canada Rules Official L4 BC MIST is on a distinguished road
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    Quote Originally Posted by allanhouston90
    Alright let me be more clear, because you obviously don't get what i'm saying.
    I get what you are saying, disagree with it and have tried to get you to at least consider looking at the creation of more club head speed from another source. I have failed because you are not interested in doing so.

    Quote Originally Posted by allanhouston90
    If you are swing as hard as you can with just your arms, you will not get a good result.
    On this point we do agree because you have conveniently added the word JUST to your statement.

    How about a comment about throwing a football and the hockey playing shooting a puck. Perhaps yopu can add a comment about a pitcher throwing a baseball at 100 mph. Do you think he gets all this speed from taking a step towards home plate? All three have commonalities to a golf swing.

  12. #12
    is a football player throwing the football 275 yards? is a hockey player hitting a shot into the air? is the no such thing as a windup when a pitcher throws a baseball?

    Answer those for me. It not even close to "similar".

  13. #13
    Gap Wedge zhangtony is on a distinguished road
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    I agree...

    The balance is everything. The arms have to remain passive, but your arms is
    always trying to be active. This is why golf is so tough. I love MW's swing very much.
    The major power comes from her body. I know the reason why a lot of PGA players are struggling to win one PGA event. The ball striking ability! If you use your arms
    to achive the ball strike ability, you never know when it will disappear. For example,
    the player like Chris DiMarco. his game has almost everything. Why does he always hit a few bad shots on Sunday? You see how big his arms are. Everytime I watched
    his game and felt sorry for him. It's not his mind but his arms betray him.

    If you can train yourself to strike ball by using body, you know you have it when you need it.

    Quote Originally Posted by allanhouston90
    One thing about swing speed, do not try to swing harder with your arms, that will leave you with an unbalanced, wierd looking swing with awful results. Try making a full turn and full backswing a little more in rythm ( slightly slower most likely) and when you are at the top of your backswing try having your first motion being driving your shoulder downwards and letting your arms follow your shoulders through impact, try to keep your wrists c*ocked as long as you can.

    Just like snapping a towel you don't get a snapping from push it forward, its the pulling back that makes the kinetic energy run down the towel into the tip, causing it to snap. In order to make it snap harder and faster, you have to send it on its way toward the target with more force, therefore increasing the Kinetic energy, therfore more power, snap. Implementing that into the golf swing is sending the club on its way faster by starting it out with your shoulders going toward the ball and the target. That increases your speed by 5-7 MPH faster.

    I tried putting that into words and don't know if anyone will understand it, but I tried explaining it the way it makes sense to me.

    If that doesn't work the one thing that will always make the ball fly straighter and farther is by just keeping you left elbow fully straight and extended the whole backswing.

  14. #14
    Golf Canada Rules Official L4 BC MIST is on a distinguished road
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    Quote Originally Posted by allanhouston90
    is a football player throwing the football 275 yards? is a hockey player hitting a shot into the air? is the no such thing as a windup when a pitcher throws a baseball?
    Answer those for me. It not even close to "similar".
    I have done a fair amount research into the actual physics of the golf swing and accumulated several pages of information which includ a section on momentum physics which shows through the mathematics, that ball velocity = mass of the club head X (1 + COR of the club head) X velocity of the club head, and what needs to be done to maximize this velocity. It isn’t turning the shoulders, firing the hips or using the legs or the back muscles, but rather, from the arms. One could also measure the time it takes for the club head to get from the top of the backswing to impact, the distance the shoulders move, the distance the hips move, ball velocity, etc., and when you substitute these numbers into some basic physics formulae, the results show that approximately 75% of club head speed comes from the arms, specifically the right arm, which has the strongest most powerful muscles in the body. No perception. No feelings. Just cold, hard mathematical facts.

    Chief asks what would happen to my club head speed if I cut off my legs. Check out Ben Witters Power Golf show where he hits the ball 300+ yards on the fly while straddling one of those large exercise balls and only the ball is on the ground. How can he hit the ball 300 yards with “NO LEGS,” if the legs are a source of power. Maybe it’s the shoulders, eh?

    There is ample scientific proof out there that the body is not the major source of ball velocity and all you have to do is spend a little time searching and reading. However, because you/we have been bombarded(brainwashed) with perception and feeling teaching for a 100 years, a lot of which is scientifically untrue, most have the "If Jim McLean says so it must be true," mentality. Or if it is written in "Jorgensen's "The Physics of Golf," or Ben Hogan's "The Five Fundamentals," and so on, it must also be true. Well, it is not necessarily so, and some of their points have been proven wrong. Perhaps some non-scientific proof will be revealed if you ask a fundamental question, "Why is the average golf score 97,” if your shoulder, back, leg theories are true. A good golf swing is not that difficult to achieve, however, if it is all back, leg and shoulder movements, then it is. Go back above and re-read what happens when you hit down on the inside quadrant of the ball and prove that the consequences of doing this are wrong.

    Now, judging by the tone of your replies, you have seem to have no genuine interest in searching for the truth, but rather you just vehemently defend your false perceptions. That is your right and your choice and no matter what proof I could present to you, if mind is made up, the facts you would probably dismiss without further examination. So be it. However, if I am wrong, start your research by going to and check out Jack’s Scientific Magazine. It is an interesting place to begin. Or, Mark Evershed’s “Knowledge” video. If this does not make you reconsider, nothing will.

    Club head speed comes from shortening the radius of a large arc. Attach a weight to a 5’ piece of string and while twirling the weight around by torqueing your right wrist, pull the string and the weight toward you with the left hand, shortening the radius of the circle. What happens to the speed of the weight? Now, apply this motion of the right arm in your golf swing as it approaches impact.

    Or, put you right elbow and right wrist in a cast so that they cannot bend in any way, and take a golf swing. You might be able to hit the ball out of your shadow but not much further and no amount of moving your right shoulder under, driving your legs, spinning your hips or whatever you can do with your back muscles, will increase the distance very much. It’s all in the arms. However, if you think it’s the shoulders, it is, because perception is everything. So says Dr. Phil.

    Many golfers are now reaping the benefits of custom fit golf clubs versus buying off the rack as there is a huge amount of science showing what combination of components yields optimum results. Sadly, the teaching of a good golf swing is still in the Dark Ages inspite of the science available that proves conventional swing theories false. Interesting too, is that on golf forums, there are many more posts on golf equipment and relatively few on instruction and yet proper technique will result in lower scores, regardless of equipment used.

    My original suggestion was given to provide golfers with a simple way to improve their ball striking, which was obviously contrary to the big muscle BS, however, instead of simply considering the idea, it has been turned into a tug-of-war(wills). Hitting down on the inside quadrant of the ball works and whether or not you are aware, there are now more instructors teaching a correct arm swing along with a quiet body, than previously.

    Last comment. An experiment. Take two groups of comparably talented and experienced golfers. Have one group drive the right shoulder down and under the left on the downswing as you suggest and have the other hit down on the inside quadrant of the ball, and see what happens. My hypothesis is that one group will be chronic slicers of the ball and one group will be chronic draw’ers of the ball.

    You can have the last word, ‘cause I am done.

  15. #15
    Arrow shooter Chieflongtee is on a distinguished road Chieflongtee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BC MIST
    Chief asks what would happen to my club head speed if I cut off my legs. Check out Ben Witters Power Golf show where he hits the ball 300+ yards on the fly while straddling one of those large exercise balls and only the ball is on the ground. How can he hit the ball 300 yards with “NO LEGS,” if the legs are a source of power. Maybe it’s the shoulders, eh?

    Took a look at the website. It just shows that he has great balance. Besides those trick shows don't tell you the whole story. Are the balls or clubs spiked? Anyway after reading your post I got down on my knees and tried swinging a club. There is no way I could swing faster and harder in that position. I also witnessed something else today as a friend showed me a swing using his wrists only . If anything the power came from his wrists not his arms.

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by BC MIST
    I have done a fair amount research into the actual physics of the golf swing and accumulated several pages of information which includ a section on momentum physics which shows through the mathematics, that ball velocity = mass of the club head X (1 + COR of the club head) X velocity of the club head, and what needs to be done to maximize this velocity. It isn’t turning the shoulders, firing the hips or using the legs or the back muscles, but rather, from the arms. One could also measure the time it takes for the club head to get from the top of the backswing to impact, the distance the shoulders move, the distance the hips move, ball velocity, etc., and when you substitute these numbers into some basic physics formulae, the results show that approximately 75% of club head speed comes from the arms, specifically the right arm, which has the strongest most powerful muscles in the body. No perception. No feelings. Just cold, hard mathematical facts.

    Chief asks what would happen to my club head speed if I cut off my legs. Check out Ben Witters Power Golf show where he hits the ball 300+ yards on the fly while straddling one of those large exercise balls and only the ball is on the ground. How can he hit the ball 300 yards with “NO LEGS,” if the legs are a source of power. Maybe it’s the shoulders, eh?

    There is ample scientific proof out there that the body is not the major source of ball velocity and all you have to do is spend a little time searching and reading. However, because you/we have been bombarded(brainwashed) with perception and feeling teaching for a 100 years, a lot of which is scientifically untrue, most have the "If Jim McLean says so it must be true," mentality. Or if it is written in "Jorgensen's "The Physics of Golf," or Ben Hogan's "The Five Fundamentals," and so on, it must also be true. Well, it is not necessarily so, and some of their points have been proven wrong. Perhaps some non-scientific proof will be revealed if you ask a fundamental question, "Why is the average golf score 97,” if your shoulder, back, leg theories are true. A good golf swing is not that difficult to achieve, however, if it is all back, leg and shoulder movements, then it is. Go back above and re-read what happens when you hit down on the inside quadrant of the ball and prove that the consequences of doing this are wrong.

    Now, judging by the tone of your replies, you have seem to have no genuine interest in searching for the truth, but rather you just vehemently defend your false perceptions. That is your right and your choice and no matter what proof I could present to you, if mind is made up, the facts you would probably dismiss without further examination. So be it. However, if I am wrong, start your research by going to and check out Jack’s Scientific Magazine. It is an interesting place to begin. Or, Mark Evershed’s “Knowledge” video. If this does not make you reconsider, nothing will.

    Club head speed comes from shortening the radius of a large arc. Attach a weight to a 5’ piece of string and while twirling the weight around by torqueing your right wrist, pull the string and the weight toward you with the left hand, shortening the radius of the circle. What happens to the speed of the weight? Now, apply this motion of the right arm in your golf swing as it approaches impact.

    Or, put you right elbow and right wrist in a cast so that they cannot bend in any way, and take a golf swing. You might be able to hit the ball out of your shadow but not much further and no amount of moving your right shoulder under, driving your legs, spinning your hips or whatever you can do with your back muscles, will increase the distance very much. It’s all in the arms. However, if you think it’s the shoulders, it is, because perception is everything. So says Dr. Phil.

    Many golfers are now reaping the benefits of custom fit golf clubs versus buying off the rack as there is a huge amount of science showing what combination of components yields optimum results. Sadly, the teaching of a good golf swing is still in the Dark Ages inspite of the science available that proves conventional swing theories false. Interesting too, is that on golf forums, there are many more posts on golf equipment and relatively few on instruction and yet proper technique will result in lower scores, regardless of equipment used.

    My original suggestion was given to provide golfers with a simple way to improve their ball striking, which was obviously contrary to the big muscle BS, however, instead of simply considering the idea, it has been turned into a tug-of-war(wills). Hitting down on the inside quadrant of the ball works and whether or not you are aware, there are now more instructors teaching a correct arm swing along with a quiet body, than previously.

    Last comment. An experiment. Take two groups of comparably talented and experienced golfers. Have one group drive the right shoulder down and under the left on the downswing as you suggest and have the other hit down on the inside quadrant of the ball, and see what happens. My hypothesis is that one group will be chronic slicers of the ball and one group will be chronic draw’ers of the ball.

    You can have the last word, ‘cause I am done.

    All that justs proves that you don't really know that much about the golf swing ( or golf alltogether). You are the one who made it into a "battle", remember?

    I could really care less because I don't have to argue my point to a little know it all old guy.

    you said %75 percent comes from your arms, TRUE but if you just used your arms you would only be getting 75% of your highest speed, So wouldn't you want to use your body to the 25% more you can get?

    What ever I try to say you twist it way out of context and its like your not even open to anything else.

    Well I guess its your way or the highway.....

    I don't really care anymore cause I don't feel like DEBATING with you, its not worth it. You obviously can't handle someone else voicing their opinion.

    Fighting on the internet is like the special olympics, even if you win your still retarded.

    Well i'm out unless you want to DEBATE with out getting angry.


  17. #17
    Arrow shooter Chieflongtee is on a distinguished road Chieflongtee's Avatar
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    Easy allanhouston90 . You may diagree with BC Mist but he is a pretty good player.

  18. #18
    I know, but if he says stuff like that

    Now, judging by the tone of your replies, you have seem to have no genuine interest in searching for the truth, but rather you just vehemently defend your false perceptions. That is your right and your choice and no matter what proof I could present to you, if mind is made up, the facts you would probably dismiss without further examination. So be it. However, if I am wrong, start your research by going to and check out Jack’s Scientific Magazine. It is an interesting place to begin. Or, Mark Evershed’s “Knowledge” video. If this does not make you reconsider, nothing will.

    I guess he is too full of himself to just have a friendly debate with fellow golfers. I like talking golf, but when someone gets there undies in a bunch over my opinion, then I guess I really shouldn't be debating with them.

    Nothing against you bud but don't say that I am stuck in my ways and I have been brainwashed. My uncle is on the PGA Tour and he has told me a lot of things and so has my club pro. So don't tell me I don't know what i'm talking about, because I do.


  19. #19
    Double post

  20. #20
    wow I'm bad, triple post.

  21. #21
    Arrow shooter Chieflongtee is on a distinguished road Chieflongtee's Avatar
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    Let's put it this way.If I were a disc or shotput thrower there is no way that I could get any distance without the use of my large muscles.

  22. #22
    Thats just the thing there are certain things that you use just your arms with and others you use a combination of both Gofl is one of those things that you have to use your body with.

  23. #23
    Hall of Fame jvincent is on a distinguished road jvincent's Avatar
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    I'll wade in. As we all know, there are many opinions about the "best" (quotes are intentional) way to swing a golf club.

    BCMist is a very good golfer who uses a Moe Norman style, single axis swing. There are lots of other golfers who use more conventional swings. Neither is right or wrong. They simply work better for one golfer than another.

    See the following on the Moe Norman swing.

    There's much talk about where the power comes from, but it's still quite obvious from the pictures that there is shoulder / body turn required and the text even attribute 25% of the power to the body.

    I don't think anyone is arguing that to swing fast the arms/hands/wrists/body all have to be involved. Depending on who you are, you will find what works best for you. That's why I have a problem with the Leadbetters of the world. They believe that there is only one correct swing. That's just bunk. There are simply too many physiological differences in golfers to have one "correct" swing.

  24. #24
    Golf Canada Rules Official L4 BC MIST is on a distinguished road
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chieflongtee
    Let's put it this way.If I were a disc or shotput thrower there is no way that I could get any distance without the use of my large muscles.
    Andre, I would like to make you an offer.

    Since we both have learned a lot about clubmaking from a few others, and have occasionally shared information, I would like to send you a video tape for your perusal which would include sections on where power comes from in a golf swing. The physisist uses the mathematical formulae that I referred to above, but mainly, velocity = distance X time, to show approximately what proportion of a 100 mph swing speed comes from the four possible motions that the whole body has during a golf swing. FYI, the body can move laterally, the body can rotate, the arms can move up and down and the right arm can flex and unflex around the elbow and wrist joints. He illustrates the mathematics by meaningful demonstrations. Perhaps after viewing this you may look at the issue differently.

    Additionally, I would add the section on how the brain functions when learning a swing and how it should best function when actually playing the game. This part I found the most fascinating and certainly helped me in my mental approach to the game.

    Similar to the other poster who has tried to change the essence of one of my points by the addition of the word JUST, your statement above about the shot putter putting the shot "without the use of the large muscles," tries to change what I meant. The motion of the body is absolutely essential to striking the ball long and straight. The legs must move forward, the hips and shoulders must rotate and the right shoulder must move under the left as was suggested. However, the sum of these only represent a small portion of the power in a golf swing. Likewise, when putting the shot the flexing and straightening of the legs and the rotation of the body is essential to putting the shot far. The body's position must be balanced and stable at the moment the right arm straightens. When the shot is tucked in by the athlete's neck and chin, the right wrist is flexed backwards and the right elbow is bent. Like the golf swing it is the last minute extension of these two joints that supplies MOST of the speed. Having actually taught the shot put to 12 to 14 years olds, when they allowed the shot to move away from their chin too soon, diminishing the power angles, their put was powerless, inspite of a strong leg drive.

    I agree that we FEEL the movement of our big muscles when we swing and that is why some think that the big muscles are the source of power. Another truism is that we don't feel the motion of the right forearm, the muscles of which are the strongest and fastest firing in the body. Consider this paraphrased neuroscience comment about the golf swing: "All motion is controlled by your subsconscious is a non-communicating dictator. Your conscious mind NEVER knows what your body is doing. You may feel something during your swing and because every one feels something different, you have several hundred golf theories. This is what someone who does something very well FEELS and he just knows that this is what is happening."

    Lastly, absolutely none of the points I tried to make in any of my previous points are original. They all come from others, be they scientists, researchers or top instructors and if anyone wants to dispute their findings, they can take it up with them. Once I learned that my arms were the main source of power and control, I stopped trying to contort my body as the "experts" suggested that I do, and my ball striking improved. Controlling my arm motion, supported by a stablizing body motion helped me achieve the only concern of anyone trying to improve should have, and that is the correct club head path and club face position.

    If you want a copy of the tape, I will make and mail it to you. PM me with your mailing address. If not, then let's put, no pun intended, the topic to rest.

  25. #25
    Arrow shooter Chieflongtee is on a distinguished road Chieflongtee's Avatar
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    Check PM.

  26. #26
    King Hawk Sphere Hunter is on a distinguished road Sphere Hunter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by allanhouston90
    Fighting on the internet is like the special olympics, even if you win your still retarded.
    What an ignorant statement.

  27. #27
    Founder Kilroy is on a distinguished road Kilroy's Avatar
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    allanhouston90 ;
    Please read the forum rules


  28. #28
    Got My Card zoic is on a distinguished road zoic's Avatar
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    I watched an interesting segment on the golf channel today around 1PM. It was dealing mainly with how most golfers do not have proper flexibility or mobility. There was a series of exercises that could be performed to improve this and add 20 yards to your shots without trying. The focus seemed to be on the ability to turn the hips properly to "show both cheeks" as they put it. It was suggested mobility was the biggest problem and good equipment or golf lessons are not as likely to help if you are less flexible. I tried some of the stretches they were showing and I may not need to go to the chiropractor if I actually do them regularly.

  29. #29
    Must be Single mberube is on a distinguished road mberube's Avatar
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    BC is right.

    Ask yourself this, do you slice or do you hook the ball? If you slice there is a good chance you swing from the body and completely forget your arms.

    Slicer definition: The ball starts to the left of the target and peals right. Most amateurs slice the ball cause they have been told that they must swing from the body “big muscles”.

    There is a middle ground here. You can’t swing only with your arm. The body must follow what your arms are doing. Weight transfer has an important part in power. Jim Flick says it beautifully, swing the arm and your body will follow the movement.

    Here is a great drill to learn how to hit the ball straight and long. Tee-up a ball very high, stand on your knees and hit balls with your driver. When you get the hang of it you will be amazed how far and straight you can hit it off your knees. This drill will eventually creep in you real golf swing and make you hit longer.

    Check out swings on this site you will notice that from hip high to the impart area “ that’s where all the power is generated” the power is coming from the arms. No major movement comes from the body.

    Last edited by mberube; 10-13-2005 at 03:33 PM.
    Strive for perfection, but never expect it!

  30. #30
    Golf Canada Rules Official L4 BC MIST is on a distinguished road
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by mberube
    BC is right.

    Ask yourself this, do you slice or do you hook the ball? If you slice there is a good chance you swing from the body and completely forget your arms.

    Slicer definition: The ball starts to the left of the target and peals right. Most amateurs slice the ball cause they have been told that they must swing from the body “big muscles”.

    There is a middle ground here. You can’t swing only with your arm. The body must follow what your arms are doing. Weight transfer has an important part in power. Jim Flick says it beautifully, swing the arm and your body will follow the movement.

    Here is a great drill to learn how to hit the ball straight and long. Tee-up a ball very high, stand on your knees and hit balls with your driver. When you get the hang of it you will be amazed how far and straight you can hit it off your knees. This drill will eventually creep in you real golf swing and make you hit longer.

    Check out swings on this site you will notice that from hip high to the impart area “ that’s where all the power is generated” the power is coming from the arms. No major movement comes from the body.

    For a wider variety of views on the same subject, check out this thread on FGI.
    Interesting how more and more, the arms are being considered as the major source of speed.

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